Martial Arts, & Self-Defense 29 Second Street Meadville, Mississippi 39653
Located inside the Meadville Community Center
All students must be under a medical release to train.
No lessons will be conducted with a minor without parent or guardian present.
7 - 13-year-olds
Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:15PM to 5:00PM
What is Junior Hapkido?
Junior Hapkido was developed with techniques that fit the younger students’ abilities at their age matching their physical and mental maturity. This program gives tools for a student to defend themselves with choices to de-escalate. It is a class to prepare them as they grow in age to join the Adult Hapkido program. Those who grow through the program fit well into the Adult Hapkido and are better for the experience.
What will my Child learn in Junior Hapkido?
Beginning Class covers: Discipline, Respect, Restraint, De-escalating, Responsibility,
Following Instructions, Basic Stances, Basic Blocking,Basic Hand Strikes, Basic Kicking,
Basic Movement, Basic Falling, and Basic Self-Defense.
Intermediate Class covers: Introduction to Freestyle,
Basic Level Takedowns, Basic Rolls, and Improvement of the listed above skills.
Advance Class covers: Advance Throws, Basic Large Joint Manipulations, Introduction to Ground,
Advanced Rolls and Falls, and Improvement of the listed above skills.
Students must maintain all lessons and show marked improvement as they progress through the system.
(No lessons will be conducted with a minor without parent or guardian present.)

Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:00PM to 7:00PM
Intermediates and Advance
7:00PM to 8:00PM
All Ranks (Adult Program Only)
9:30PM to 10:30PM
What will I learn in this program?
The Adult program covers hand strikes and kicking, movement, escapes, joint manipulations, falls and rolls, throws, ground techniques, de-escalating, and weapons. These techniques are taught in
traditional Hapkido style in class and broken down to fit modern day applications.
It is understood some students have limitations due to personal injury or health, but Hapkido is a flexible fighting form which can be worked to deal with personal limitations to degree. (All students must be under a medical release to train.) Hapkido is always about the personal effort the student applies under the instructor’s direction. (No lessons will be conducted with a minor without parent or guardian present.)

Private Lessons:
One on One classes or Group Classes outside of regular scheduled class times charged by hour and by appointment only.
All students must be under a medical release to train.
No lessons will be conducted with a minor without parent or guardian present.